National Music Festival
The Instrumental Music Department participated in a National Music Festival in Williamsburg, Virginia on Friday, March 27, 2009. The Jazz Band won 1st Place and received a Superior rating in division IV. While Braxton Cook won the Most Outstanding Jazz Soloist award. The String Orchestra won 1st Place and received an Excellent rating in division IV and the Symphonic Band won 2nd Place and received an Excellent rating in division IV as well. We competed against schools from Wisconsin, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, New York, Florida and Maryland. Over the years, the Instrumental Music Department has competed in National Music Festivals in Boston, Mass., Atlanta, Ga., Chicago, Il., Anaheim, Ca., and Toronto, Canada. Next year, the Instrumental Music Department is considering a National Music Festival in Memphis, Tenn. In addition to the festival performance, our students visited Busch Gardens theme park and Colonial Williamsburg Historical Site. Congratulations to our band and orchestra students for a successful festival performance.