SHS is planning to offer a college class from Montgomery College. Read on for more details about how you can register for this course.
Who is able to take this MC College Course?
Seniors with a minimum 2.75 G.P.A.
Juniors with a minimum 3.0 G..P.A.
Students must meet course placement requirements on the Accuplacer, and/or achieve 550 or higher on SAT verbal and math tests.
3-credit MC course will be offered for the spring semester?
How much does it cost?
SP108– Intro to Human Communications.
Course Description: A survey course that covers communication theory and develops communication skills for personal and professional relationships in interpersonal, group, and public settings. Course content includes practice in the application of the principles of listening, verbal and nonverbal communication, group dynamics, and public speaking. Assessment levels:
The credit for this course is transferable to MOST colleges and universities.
All accepted students will receive a full scholarship, which includes tuition, books and fees.
Where will the courses be offered?
MC instructors will come to SHS to teach you during the school day and in our classroom.
When will the courses be offered?
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
January 26th– May 17th 2009
Why should I consider taking MC college courses at SHS?
You can earn college credits (transferable to many other colleges and universities.)
Gain experience in college rigor and expectations
How do I apply to enroll in the course(s)?
Complete an interest form.
Complete Montgomery College Application ($25 application fee is waived.). Bring MC application to Guidance Office.
Questions? Contact
Springbrook High School
Ms. Barbara Drumm, Resource Counselor
Ms. Nicole Brown, Assistant Principal, Grade 12
Ms. Marie Koch, Assistant Principal, Grade 11
Montgomery College
Mr. Akima Rogers,
MC High School Programs Director