David Sweigart Conducts Research for the FDA
This past summer David Sweigart had a great opportunity to work for the Food and Drug Administration. While there, he researched polymer coatings containing drugs as may be applied to medical implants like drug eluding stints (DES). He observed how they release the proper amount of drug to tissues with time. He also studied how manufacturing variables affect the drug release rate by using various instruments including the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and the Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSCM). His work accumulated into allowing him to be a co-author on a peer-reviewed publication entitled "Microstructure and Dissolution of Tetracycline from Block Copolymer Coatings" he hopes will be submitted to the Journal of Controlled Release this October. He plans to work with colleagues and expects to publish another paper looking at biodegradable polymer coatings. We are very proud of David. He is one of Springbrook’s finest.