Two Springbrook student leaders, Pritha Shah and Jonathan Nwosu, spearheaded a successful School Spirit Rally that was held January 4, 2008. The entire school was involved. The winter sports teams were highlighted: wrestling, swim & dive, track, JV and varsity basketball, cheerleaders and the pom squad.
Pritha Shah Pritha has been Vice President of the class of 2008 for the past four years. Her accomplishments include hosting the Channel 56 show called Image-In-Asian Television. She has taught younger children about Indian culture and religion for several years. Pritha's love of dance is evident in her performances with the Springbrook HS Poms squad as well as her participation in many dance troupes entertaining at various cultural events. While busy with these activities, Pritha has volunteered in the Montgomery General Hospital emergency room. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll Journalism National Honor Society, and The National Society of High School Scholars. Pritha has been part of the Desi Club, a Model UN member, a Heritage Show participant, Clubs Editor of the 2007 Yearbook, and a student representative for the Springbrook Leadership Council. She will pursue a career as a physician.
Jonathan Nwosu Jonathan is a caring, active and focused senior at Springbrook HS. He has served as class president during his freshman, junior and senior years. Jonathan has traveled with the Deep Waters Church Youth Group on ministry trips to Guatemala in '04, Peru in '06 and New Orleans in 2007. He has accrued over 400 community service hours. Jonathan is a scholar athlete, excelling in Varsity football and tennis while remaining a member of the Springbrook HS National Honor Society and serving as a student representative for the Springbrook Leadership Council. His many academic awards include the Kappa Alpha Psi Book Award, the W.E.B. Du Bois Academic Award, the Paul Robeson Versatility Academic Award and Who's Who Among High School Students. His outgoing personality and positive outlook on life will serve him well as he pursues a career in International Relations.