Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Issue: Nuclear Weapons in the World today
What are we trying to solve: Many countries now have the capabilities to produce nuclear weapons. As a result, at this Model UN conference we want to set up additional rules and regulations for nuclear weapons acquisition.
When: The conference will be held in mid-May after all the AP and IB exams are done. In addition, it does not interfere with any of the HSA testing and as a result this would be the best date for the conference.
Purpose: We hope to expose students to the workings of the U.N. and get them interested in international relations so they can understand the difficulties that face the world today. We hope as a result of this event, more students will be interested and participate in the Model UN Club next year at Springbrook. If possible, we hope that in the future Springbrook might host a larger conference for other schools in the area. We also would like to participate in other annual conferences throughout the year.
Running the Conference: The Model UN conference will be conducted throughout the day of the 23rd of May. There will be seven conferences, one per period, all in Room G307, which is the classroom for the five sections of AP World History. Those students that are not in Ms Cohen’s AP World classes will need to get a pass from their Social Studies teacher to attend during one class period. Ms Cohen and Dien Nguyen will serve as the moderators for the mock General Assembly meeting of the UN. We will have the 15 members of the Model Club serve as representatives of specific countries to lead the conference, since many students do not yet have an understanding of how the UN works. They will serve as a guide for the students to get them started. These 15 students will need to get their teachers to sign an in-school fieldtrip form and get permission to miss their classes for the whole day.
Estimated Elapsed Time Each Class Period: 40 Minutes
View the list of countries that students picked to represent. If you have a student who’s interested but not on the list, please send him/her to Room G307. Of course, all staff is invited to attend and even participate at any time during the day.
Please contact Mrs. Cohen for more information or regarding any questions about the Conference or the Model UN club.